about me.
I am a PhD student with Jens Eisert at the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Freie Universität Berlin. During my PhD, I spent half a year at QMATH, the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory at the University of Copenhagen. You can reach me at johannes.meyer@fu-berlin.de.
My research interests revolve around all facets of quantum information theory, especially quantum computing on NISQ devices, quantum machine learning and quantum metrology. I am always eager to explore new directions and to combine tools from different subfields of quantum information science to address questions ranging from fundamental to applied.
For a list of my publications, consider this site and my Google Scholar profile. For basic CV information, have a look at my ORCiD profile.
I firmly belive that my research and tools I use should be in the public domain and I am therefore a strong supporter of Open Source. I have been contributing to PennyLane and the Quantum LaTeX template. Have a look at my GitHub for rsmf, a small library for making publication-ready plots with matplotlib, and pennylane-pyquest, a plugin that connects PennyLane to the QuEST mixed state simulator.